Wednesday, January 4, 2017

The early stages of MeNaib

began with the help of MouaHu Photography

This is a look backwards...

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


How I keep my culture alive is by speaking our language, wearing the clothes, and eating the food I grew up with. Growing up I enjoyed listening to my parents and grandparents stories. These were folklore, memories, and personal experiences. Today, I listen to music with lyrics in Hmong. I watch Hmong movies from time to time. I try to stay involved in Hmong pop culture. What I value most is being able to share the joys of our culture with everyone.


I am continuing to encourage the proud to display their admiration, by wearing Hmong attire confidently. My heart's mission is to inspire others with my creations. Inspire others to continue to work on their own individual pieces of paj ntaub. Inspire others to just step out in Hmong clothes.

Clothing was a very distinct way of identifying one Hmong tribe from the next. No longer is this true in some parts of the world. With education/awareness, cultural influences due to migration; we have all evolved. Some of us prefer to stick to what the previous generation wore. Some of us have given up wearing Hmong clothes all together for what ever reason. While some of us, have formed a desire for new styles and clothing from Hmong groups not our own. As we start to stray, I quietly call us back in the name of fashion and culture and a people.

Free to wear what you please, Styles come and go. With ease, convenience, availability I hope the choice will be Hmong clothes for what ever occasion may rise. We will hear and see that our culture is alive and the Hmong still resilient.  


I love clothes, fashion, and creating, More than anything, I would be honored to provide the attire for your next need.

Who am I?

I am White and Black Hmong, yet enticed by the colors of the Green Hmong, drawn to the convenience and beads of the Chinese Hmong (who in their own have a number of groups), and intrigued by the strips of the Hmong Strip, also in awe of the hat of Red Cloth Hmong. I am learning more about Vietnamese Hmong tribes. I love trying on different clothes. Lately I wear clothes based on fashion trends and for beauty. Born in Thailand inside a refugee camp. Lived in USA since I was 11 months old. I am a Hmong American fashion designer. 

Thursday, December 31, 2015


 Who is behind all this?

I was really hoping my work would speak for itself. That my creations and designs would be intriguing enough to satisfy but if you must know who is behind all these fashions... it is me... at my best I look like the photo below... At my worst... uh, you wouldn't recognize me (and yes, you may laugh but this is the truth). My name is Gao. There are many Gao's out there and I am one.

The original, "one who invented the one piece Hmong dress."

My contribution to the loving parent or family member wanting to dress children with ease but also traditionally. Watch video below. :)
Makes me so happy to help out.
 Fashion is my passion. At first it was just fashion illustrating. You can't wear a sketch so I proceeded to sewing and then the full blown design aspect. Then I couldn't help it and felt I had to share my work with you. 
 Follow me on Instagram 
Here on blogspot 
Like my page on Facebook Friend me on facebook which are two separate things.
This way you will always be able to see what I've come up with next.

Till we meet again I will be happily sewing, designing, and creating for you!


watch the MENAIB fashion show ~ part 1
watch more of the MENAIB fashion show ~ part 2 


Menyuam Hmoob